How to Read a Film:
FAQ about the disc


Here is a list of frequently asked questions about using the How To Read a Film disc. Your query may very well be answered here. If it isn't, then please email us with your question. We'll post updates to this site frequently, so be sure to check back.

Q: I put the disc in my D: drive, but the computer won't recognize it.

Answer: You probably have a CD-ROM drive, not a DVD-ROM drive. You need a DVD-ROM drive to play the disc.

Q: But I know I have a DVD-ROM drive, because I've played DVD-Videos on it.

Answer: You may not have the proper drivers installed for the DVD-ROM UDF file system.

Q: I tried to open one of these files

Outside ambiance (OUTBG.MOV)
Room sound ambiance (ambiance.MOV)
Romance music only (romance.MOV)
Suspense music only (suspense.MOV)

from "The Bin," but got the error message "file not found."

Answer: The files are there. Open the DVD drive in Windows and go to The Bin directory and open them directly.

Q: I tried to open PAN VS. CUT (SSx307g.MOV) in the Edit Lab or PERSISTENCE OF VISION (SSx208.MOV) from the Prehistory Lab or Chapter Two, but I got the message "file not found."

Answer: The files are there. Open the DVD drive in Windows and go to RESOURCE/ SLIDES/[filename] and open them directly.

Q: The Zoetrope 2000 player is not working.

Answer: This section depends on software that is now outdated. Sorry!